Media slots, Avc presets, Custom presets – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

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Media Slots

Select the Media Slots tab. Media slots are placeholders for Media Presets and can only be played on MSC Pixel

Create a Media Slot by clicking Create New in the Media Slots pane. A Media Slot can be renamed using the
name text box underneath the Media Slots directory. The selected Media Slot can be deleted by clicking the
Delete button.

The content for Media Slots is created using a separate utility application: Unison Mosaic MediaManager. When
you have finished creating your Designer project, go to File > Export for Media Manager to save details about your
Media Slots to a .mdx file. Create a new project in MediaManager and import the .mdx file. You can now program
content onto each media slot. It is possible to import .mdx files from multiple Designer projects into a single Medi-
aManager project in order to aid media management for large installations. Please refer to the MediaManager help
for further details.

Whenever you make a change to the fixtures, patch or programming in your Designer project you must go to File
> Export for Media Manager and then import the generated file into your existing MediaManager project.

When you've exported your media from MediaManager you can upload it to your controllers using Unison Mosaic
RemoteManager. Please refer to the RemoteManager help for further details.

AVC Presets

Select the AVC tab. AVC presets can only be played on AVCs, see

Working with the Audio Visual Controller


You must prepare the video and audio clips you want to use on the AVC in this pane. To add a new clip click
Create New and browse to a suitable media file containing video, audio or both.

Should the media file(s) subsequently be moved, renamed or deleted such that the preset path(s) no longer valid
then a warning icon will be displayed over the thumbnail.

Designer can import a wide variety of video formats and convert them into the video format used on the AVC.
However, the AVC format is based on MPEG2 and for best quality results - and fastest conversion - we recom-
mend preparing content as standard definition MPEG2. All video content must have either PAL (25fps) or NTSC
(29.97fps) frame rates - Designer will not accept content with other frame rates, but it will scale video prepared for
different resolutions.

Designer can also import a wide range of audio formats including AC3 (used on DVDs), WAV, and MP3. To add
audio to an existing clip, make sure the clip is selected and click on the button next to the "Audio Path" box. You
can then browse to the audio file and select it.

If the video and audio need to be synchronised (i.e. audio is a soundtrack for the video) then you should select
"Audio synced" to ensure they are always locked together. You can specify an audio offset to correct for any time
delay between video and audio. If the audio and video can run independently (e.g. audio is a music track of a dif-
ferent length to the video) then make sure "audio synced" is not selected and they will loop independently.

Custom Presets

Select the Custom tab. Custom presets can only be played on MSC Pixel Matrices.

Custom Presets use a

Lua script

to define an effect that can be played back on a Matrix. You can use this to cre-

ate effects that are not available as standard in Designer.

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