ETC Unison Paradigm Serial Access Protocol (PSAP) User Manual
E t c, Paradigm serial access protocol (psap), Overview

C o n f i g u r a t i o n G u i d e
Paradigm Serial Access Protocol (PSAP)
PSAP Configuration Guide
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Rev E
Released 2012-08
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The Paradigm ACP can be controlled through its local RS232 serial port and Ethernet interface using a
default command structure referred to as the Paradigm Serial Access Protocol (PSAP). All aspects of
serial communication can be configured in LightDesigner, including RS232 serial port baud rate and
UDP packet settings.
LightDesigner Setup
Expand the “RS232 Serial Config” property to view the port setup. Default settings are Baud Rate of
9600, Parity None, 1 Stop Bit (8 data bits is mandatory).
Expand the “UDP Serial Config” property to view the port setup. Input UDP Port defaults to “0” and the
Input Handler defaults to [None]. ETC recommends setting the Input UDP Port property in the range of
4703-4727. This same port will be used for replies sent from the Paradigm Architectural Control
Processor (P-ACP). If needed, contact ETC Technical Support for additional support with UDP serial
Expand the “ACN Serial Config” property to view the port setup. ACN Serial Config allows for reliable
communication between devices that support this method over ACN using simple setup. Devices with
matching “ACN Name” property value will connect and communicate.
• For example, a processor's ACN Serial PSAP Input Handler will by default listen to any device
configured to send using an ACN Name of "ETC P-ACP". The same Processor will also respond
to any queries using the same ACN Name, so any other devices configured to receive from that
ACN Name will get all responses. It is possible to specify multiple ACN Names using comma
separation in the property, but note that the PSAP input handler will respond to all devices with a
matching ACN Name.
N o t e :
Devices with matching “ACN Name” property are considered part of a broadcast
domain, and will hear anything sent in that session.
N o t e :
ETC recommends that serial communications via Ethernet contain no more than 512
bytes per packet.
LightDesigner offers three types of serial options and three
groupings of properties to configure them including “RS232
Serial Config”, “UDP Serial Config” and “ACN Serial Config”.
To view and set these properties, select a Processor from the
Browser. The properties of the selected Processor will display
in the Property Editor.