Programming timelines, Creating triggers – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

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Quick Start

Programming Timelines

1. Click on the Program tab at the left to change to the Program view.
2. Note the fixture browser now has timeline rows associated with each fixture, group, or matrix, and two

Mover rows have been created. Note also the preset directories on the lower right-hand side of the win-
dow: the Group directory includes built-in presets that can be applied to Group and Fixture rows, the Matrix
directory includes built-in presets that can be applied to Pixel Matrices, the Media directory has been pop-
ulated with any media you imported, and the Mover directory has been populated with the Mover presets
you created.

3. Click on the Group directory tab.  Select and drag the Fixed Colour preset to your All LED group, and drop

at the start of the row. You can adjust the position and length of the effect on the row by dragging it on the
timeline and selecting the handles at the end of the preset. The preset properties (in this case just colour)
can be edited in the Properties pane. Fade times and characteristics can be edited in the Transitions

4. Choose other presets from the Group directory, such as Rainbow and Sparkle, experiment with dropping

them on your groups, or open up the group and apply to individual fixtures and edit parameters.

5. To view your timeline, drag the Simulate tab at the left onto the Program view to open the Simulate window

on top of the Program window. Click on the play button to run the timeline.

6. Click on the Matrix directory.  Drag these presets onto your LED Matrix row. Experiment with parameters

and simulation.

7. Click on the Media directory. Drag your media clip onto your one of your Matrix rows.  Experiment with

parameters and simulation. (To experiment with the matrix size, e.g. to modify the resolution or the view-
able area of the media, return to the Media window and adjust the dimensions of the matrix, the position of
the pixels, etc.).

8. Click on the Mover directory. Drag your Mover presets to one of the Mover rows. Click on the Group dir-

ectory and drag intensity to the fixture / group row to apply intensity. For CMY fixtures, apply colour

9. Use the intensity preset to program the Conventional fixtures.

10. Create additional timelines by clicking on New Timeline. Name as appropriate and program.

Creating Triggers

1. Click on the Trigger tab at the left to change to the Trigger view.
2. Note that Trigger, Condition and Action directories are to the left of the worksheet area, to the right are

properties panes for editing parameters, selecting components, etc.

3. To create a Startup trigger, click Start up in the Trigger directory and drag into the main worksheet area. 

Give it a descriptive comment.  Drag Start Timeline from the Actions directory to the new Startup trigger
row on the worksheet, and under Action Data in the Actions pane select a timeline from the dropdown

4. Repeat, experimenting with different Triggers and different Actions. Note Change button for Real Time

parameters, and Edit for the MIDI message builder.  Question marks (???) on the worksheet will indicate
where parameters or values need to be set

5. To create a conditional trigger, create a Digital Input trigger. Set it to input 1, drag a Start Timeline Action

and select a timeline to play.  Copy and paste the trigger (right click / Mac Ctrl+click). On the earlier trigger
drag an Astronomical condition which will default to After Sunset.  Set Action to play a different timeline.
This achieves a condition option and a catch-all option if the condition does not apply.

6. Return to Simulate. Select Project above the control area. All the triggers you have created appear below.

Clicking Play will activate the Startup trigger. Run your project, utilizing the triggers to mimic contact clos-
ures, real time triggers, serial messages, etc.

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