Working with properties – ETC Unison Mosaic Designer v1.11.0 User Manual

Page 235

background image

Custom Preset Programming Guide

-- get the combined width of band and separator

local total_band_width = band_width+band_spacing

-- get the number of visible bands

local bands = width/total_band_width

-- modulo operator (a%b)

function mod(a,b)

return a - math.floor(a/b)*b


-- the pixel function

function pixel(frame,x,y)

if (mod(x,total_band_width)>=band_width) then

-- in band separator

return background_colour


-- get the band in which this pixel falls

local band = math.floor(x/total_band_width)

-- get the fraction through the effect

local t = frame/frames

-- get the height of the band in which this pixel falls

local band_height = (math.sin((band/bands+t)*math.pi*2)+1)/2

-- adjust y to be relative to the center of the effect

y = y-(height/2)+0.5

-- decide if this pixel is inside the band

local h = math.abs(y)/(height/2)

if (h<=band_height) then

return band_gradient:lookup(h)


return background_colour



The band_gradient variable is initialised as a red to yellow gradient, and we use band_gradient:lookup

to determine the colour of the band at height h.

Working with properties

Custom presets can have properties which will be exposed in Designer whenever the preset is placed on a
timeline. This allows a single custom preset to create a wide variety of effects. It also means that you do not have
to create near-identical copies of custom presets just to change one parameter, for example, a colour. You can
just expose a colour property and specify the desired colour when the preset is placed on a timeline.

To define a property, you would call the function:

property(name, type, default_value, ...)

This must be added to your script outside of any function call.

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