Internet – Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 409

Mail Service
m For more information on MX records, see “DNS and Electronic Mail” in DNS and BIND,
3rd edition, by Paul Albitz, Cricket Liu, and Mike Loukides (O’Reilly and Associates, 1998).
m Also of interest may be Removing the Spam: Email Processing and Filtering, by Geoff
Mulligan (Addison-Wesley Networking Basics Series, 1999).
m To learn about email standards, see Essential E-Mail Standards: RFCs and Protocols
Made Practical, by Pete Loshin ( John Wiley & Sons, 1999).
There is an abundance of information about the different mail protocols, DNS, and other
related topics on the Internet.
Request for Comments (RFC) documents provide an overview of a protocol or service and
details about how the protocol should behave. If you are a novice server administrator, you
will probably find some of the background information in an RFC helpful. If you are an
experienced server administrator, you can find all the technical details about a protocol in its
RFC document. You can search for RFC documents by number at this Web site:
For more information about Sendmail, see this Web site:
You can find out more about servers that filter junk mail at this Web site:
For technical details about how mail protocols work, see these RFC documents:
m POP: RFC 1725
m IMAP: RFC 2060
m SMTP: RFC 821 and RFC 822
For simple explanations about mail service, see this Web site:
Search for any technical term to find a simple explanation of the term. Also, this Web site
offers a set of links to more detailed information about how a particular technology works.