Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 618

uucp (predefined group account) 131
virtual hosts
Virtual Private Network ( VPN)
virtual user
Web 365
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning
See ( WebDAV )
Web browsers 339
WebDAV ( Web-based Distributed Authoring and
defining realms 339
described 337
enabling 353
security 339
setting access 354
setting access privileges 339
setting up 346
understanding 339
WebDAV realm
about 358–361
configuring 360–361
enabling 359
logging in 359
mail server and 359
protocols 359
security limitations 359
SquirrelMail 358
Mac-specific 365
open-source 366
Web pages
Web servers
Apache Web server 64, 338
certificate for 362–363
Web Service
about 337–367
configuring 338, 342
default page 341
described 337
Documents folder 341
key features of 51
limiting simultaneous 344
monitoring 348
more information 367
MySQL 367
persistent connections 344
preparing for setup 338–340
problems with 364
resources 367
secure transactions 338, 361–363
settings for 342–349
setting up 341–342
setting up Web sites 338
setup overview 341–342
solving problems 364
SSL, enabling 346
starting 343
stopping 343
strategies for 338–341
Tomcat 347
WebDAV 346
WebMail, managing 359–361
Web site privileges 342
Web services
Web site
Web sites