Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual

Page 180

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Chapter 3

To import accounts using Workgroup Manager:


Create a character-delimited or XML file containing the accounts to import, and place it in a
location accessible from the server on which you will use Workgroup Manager. Ensure the file
contains no more than 10,000 records.

See “Using XML Files Created With Mac OS X Server 10.1 or Earlier” on page 186, “Using XML
Files Created With AppleShare IP 6.3” on page 186, and “Using Character
-Delimited Files” on
page 187 for infor
mation on creating files to import.


In Workgroup Manager, click the Account button, then use the At pop-up menu to open the
directory domain into which you want to import accounts.


Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.


Choose Import from the Server menu, then select the import file.


Select one of the Duplicate Handling options to indicate what to do when the short name of
an account being imported matches that of an existing account.

“Overwrite existing record” overwrites any existing record in the directory domain.

“Ignore new record” ignores an account in the import file.

“Add to empty fields” merges data from the import file into the existing account when the
data is for an attribute that currently has no value.

“Append to existing record” appends data to existing data for a particular multivalue attribute
in the existing account. Duplicates are not created. This option might be used, for example,
when importing new members into an existing group.


Select one of the Record Format options.

“Import standard users” indicates your import file contains user accounts with these
attributes in the order listed: short name, password, UID, primary group ID, full name, path
to the home directory on the user’s computer, and default shell. The first line of the file must
contain “StandardUserRecord.”

“Import standard groups” indicates your import file contains group accounts with these
attributes in the order listed: group name, group ID, and short names of group members.
The first line of the file must contain “StandardGroupRecord.”

“Use record description in file” indicates that the first line of the file is a complete record
description. “Using Character-Delimited Files” on page 187 describes what the record
description must look like.

“Import XML from AppleShare IP” indicates your import file is an XML file created using
AppleShare IP.

“Import XML from Server Admin” indicates your import file is an XML file created using
Server Admin on Mac OS X Server 10.1 or earlier.

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