Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual

Page 607

background image



discovery protocols 72

networksetup 562

defined 586

nfsd daemons 257

defined 586

NFS service

about 256
configuring settings 257
described 221
monitoring 258
planning 256
stopping 258
uses for 256

nobody (predefined group account) 131
nogroup (predefined group account) 131
None privilege 205
NotifyMail protocol 383

defined 586


online help 41
Open Directory

See also directory services
access privileges and 71
authentication 67, 70
automount share points and 71
backing up 119
BSD configuration files and 115
compared to UNIX systems 69
configuring protocols 93
data requirements 573
defined 586
group accounts and 71
home directories and 71
information management 70, 73
information storage in 65, 72
key features of 47
mail settings and 71
overview 45
protocols supported 74
quotas and 71
searching non-Apple domains 78
search policies 82–84

service discovery and 72
UNIX heritage 67
uses of 70–71

Open Directory Assistant

about 92
configuring directory domain 92
connecting to server 92
creating shared NetInfo domain 111
deleting shared directory domain 93

Open Directory Assistant application 58
Open Directory domains

See also directory domains, LDAPv3, NetInfo
deleting 93
setting up 92

Open Directory Password Server. See Password



directory service protocol 74

open relay

defined 586

Open Relay Behavior-modification System


defined 586

open source modules 366–367
operator (predefined group account) 131

defined 586

ORBS servers 375, 401

defined 586

owner privileges 206


Package Maker application 62
packages 509
Panels workgroup 436
parent computer

defined 586

parent NetInfo domain 110

administrator 137
file servers 263
migrating 193
problems with readable 194
root 137

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