Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual

Page 609

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preference management, Mac OS X

about 284
Applications Items settings 288
Applications preference 288
Applications System Preferences settings 290
Classic Advanced preferences 292
Classic preferences 291
Classic settings 291
computer preferences 286
disabling 287
Dock Display settings 294
Dock Items settings 295
Dock preference 294
editing multiple records 287
Finder Commands settings 299
Finder preference 296
Finder Views settings 302
group preferences 286
Internet Email settings 304
Internet preference 304
Internet Web settings 304
local user accounts 279
Login Items settings 307
Login preference 305
Login Window settings 305
Media Access Disk Media settings 308
Media Access Other Media settings 309
Media Access preferences 308
options 284
preference cache 283
Printing preferences 311
Printing Printer List settings 311
Startup settings 291
user preferences 285

preferences, Mac OS 8 464
preferences cache, defined 587

changing 178
creating for groups 177
creating for users 176
defined 176, 587
deleting 178
renaming 178
using to create new accounts 177

primary group 129

defined 148, 587
group ID of 148

primary group ID

defined 587

Print Center

adding print queue from Open Directory

domain 323

adding print queue using AppleTalk 323
adding print queue using LPR 323

printer sharing

key features of 44

print jobs

deleting 332
holding 330
holding new 331
monitoring 329
prioritizing 331–332
restarting 330
stopping 330

print logs

deleting 334
managing 332–334

print queues

about 315
adding from Open Directory domain 323
adding in Mac OS X using AppleTalk 323
adding in Mac OS X using LPR 323
adding to Open Directory domains 321
configuring 320
default 329
deleting 329
holding 327
monitoring 326
reconfiguring 327
renaming 328
restarting 327

print quotas

enforcing 322
managing 332
setting for Mac OS 9 and 8 clients 448
setting up 322

print service

about 315
adding printers 320
applications for 315

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