Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 116

Chapter 2
You can specify different BSD configuration files by editing the DSFFPlugin.plist file. This file
contains structured text in XML format and is known as a property list or plist. You can edit
this file with a text editor, but the Property List Editor application makes the job easier.
Property List Editor is specifically designed to work with plist files.
You may not have Property List Editor on your computer, because it is not part of a standard
installation of Mac OS X. However, Property List Editor is included if you install the Mac OS X
Developer Tools from the Developer Tools CD. (The Developer Tools CD comes with the
Mac OS X CD.) Then Property List Editor is located in /Developer/Applications.
You can use Directory Access to open the DSFFPlugin.plist file with Property List Editor.
Note: To use the files specified by DSFFPlugin.plist, a computer must have a custom search
policy that includes the BSD configuration files domain. An automatic search policy does not
include the BSD configuration files domain. See “Defining a Custom Search Policy” on
page 95 for instructions.
To map BSD configuration files to Mac OS X record types and attributes:
In Directory Access, click the Services tab.
If the lock icon is locked, click it and type the name and password of a server administrator.
Select BSD Configuration Files in the list of services, then click Configure.
Directory Access tells Property List Editor to open /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/
With DSFFPlugin.plist open in Property List Editor, click disclosure triangles in the Property
List column to see the contents of FileTypeArray.
FileTypeArray contains dictionary items. Each dictionary identifies one BSD configuration file
and maps its contents. Each dictionary is identified by a number. Initially, dictionary 0 maps
data in the /etc/hosts file; dictionary 1 maps data in the /etc/group file; dictionary 2 maps
data in the /etc/master.passwd file, and directory 3 maps to data in the /etc/fstab file.
To include another BSD configuration file, add a new dictionary under FileTypeArray and add
fields under the new dictionary to specify the file name and path, record type, attributes, and
so on.
Add a dictionary for another BSD configuration file by selecting FileTypeArray and clicking
New Child. Then click the class of the new dictionary and choose Dictionary from the pop-up
Add a field under a dictionary by selecting the dictionary, clicking its disclosure triangle so
it points down, and clicking New Child. Type a name for the field. Then click the class of the
field and select the appropriate class from the pop-up menu. Next, change the field’s value
as needed.