Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 586

Network File System (NFS)
A client/server protocol that uses TCP/IP to allow remote
users to access files as though they were local. NFS exports shared volumes to computers
according to IP address, rather than user name and password.
network installation
The process of installing systems and software on Mac OS X client
computers over the network. Software installation can occur with an administrator attending
the installations or completely unattended.
nfsd daemon
An NFS server process that runs continuously behind the scenes and
processes reading and writing requests from clients. The more daemons that are available,
the more concurrent clients can be served.
NSL (Network Service Locator)
The Apple technology that simplifies the search for
TCP/IP-based network resources.
Open Directory
The Apple directory services architecture, which can access authoritative
information about users and network resources from directory domains that use LDAP,
NetInfo, or Active Directory protocols; BSD configuration files; and network services.
open relay
A server that receives and automatically forwards mail to another server. Junk
mail senders exploit open relay servers to avoid having their own mail servers blacklisted as
sources of spam.
ORBS (Open Relay Behavior-modification System)
An Internet service that blacklists
mail servers known to be or suspected of being open relays for senders of junk mail. ORBS
servers are also known as “black-hole” servers.
The person who created a file or folder and who therefore has the ability to assign
access privileges for other users. The owner of an item automatically has read and write
privileges for an item. An owner can also transfer ownership of an item to another user.
P, Q
A computer whose shared directory domain provides configuration information to
another computer.
percent symbol (%)
The command-line prompt in the Terminal application. The prompt
indicates that you can enter a command.
PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
A scripting language embedded in HTML that is
used to create dynamic Web pages.
POP (Post Office Protocol)
A protocol for retrieving incoming mail. After a user retrieves
POP mail, it is stored on the user’s computer and usually is deleted automatically from the
mail server.
predefined accounts
User accounts that are created automatically when you install
Mac OS X. Some group accounts are also predefined.