Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual

Page 615

background image



described 545
managing 547–550
monitoring 549
planning 545
preparing for setup 545
registering a service 548
setting up 545–547
starting 547
stopping 547
uses for 545
viewing scopes 547

SLP Service

managing 547–550
starting 547
stopping 547


defined 588
enabling and disabling for Open Directory 94
Windows protocol 72

SMB protocol 235
smmsp (predefined group account) 131

about 371
alternatives to 371
authentication 374, 375, 389
filtering connections 401
ports 391
rejected servers 375, 399
relay, restricted 374, 375, 398
relay for backup server 401
relay via another server 389
response name 390
settings 389–393

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

defined 588

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol

defined 588

softwareupdate 561

defined 588

spam. See junk mail

Apple file service 224
FTP service 248
Windows services 236

spoof 256
SQL 367
SquirrelMail See WebMail

key fingerprints 554

SSH access

enabling and disabling 553

SSH session

closing 554
executing commands 554
opening 553


enabling 355


certificate signing request (CSR) 361
enabling 363
mail service and 372
setting up 357, 361
Web site certificate 362

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

defined 588
described 338
enabling 363

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) service 361–363
staff (predefined group account) 131
starting up using N key 507
Startup Disk control panel, updating 505
static addressing 487
static binding, NetInfo 112
static IP addresses 476

defined 588

Streaming Server Admin application

starting 63
task summary 63

subnet 264
subnet masks 527
subnets 239, 476

creating 476, 477–478, 481
defined 588

sys (predefined group account) 131
system access printer 449
System Administrator predefined account 130
system identifier lights

and Server Monitor 63

System-less clients

This manual is related to the following products: