Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 612

adding print queues to Open Directory
administrator access to mail database 395
allowing guest access to Apple file
allowing guest access to Windows
alternate mail transfer agent 391
APOP authentication 384
Apple file service Access settings 226
Apple file service automatic startup 231
Apple file service General settings 225
Apple file service Idle Users settings 228
Apple file service Logging settings 227
approved mail servers list 398
archiving Apple file service logs 233
archiving print logs 333
assigning Windows server to workgroup 244
automatically disconnecting users from Apple
blacklisted mail servers 401
blind carbon copies (BCC), configuring 382
blocking Web sites with proxy server 345
CGI script, enabling 355
changing Apple file server name 231
changing print job priority 331
changing print queue quotas 332
changing Windows server name 241
configuring NetBoot 501
configuring print queues 320
creating Apple file service login greeting 234
creating SLP DA scopes 546
custom FTP root 253
default NetBoot disk image 500
deleting DHCP subnets 480
deleting mail automatically 383, 394
deleting print jobs 332
deleting print queues 329
denial-of-service attacks, preventing 537
deregistering a service with SLP DA 549
DHCP client list 481
DHCP logs 480, 484
DHCP subnet IP address lease times,
DHCP subnets, settings 482
disabling DHCP subnets 483
disabling NetBoot disk images 502
disapproved servers list 399
disconnecting users from Apple file
DNS lookup for mail service 396
DNS options for DHCP subnets 482
DNS server for DHCP clients 479
DNS Service, starting and stopping 519
enabling AppleTalk browsing on Apple file
enabling disk images 514
enabling NetBoot 502
enabling NetBoot disk images 502
enabling SSL for Web service 346
enabling WebDAV 346
enabling Web site 350
enabling web site logs 352
enabling Windows service domain
enforcing quotas for print queues 322
filtering NetBoot clients 504
filtering SMTP connections 401
filtering UDP ports 536
finding Windows server workgroup
Firewall, configuring 534
Firewall, starting and stopping 531
Firewall default filter 537
Firewall filters, creating 532
Firewall filters, editing 532
Firewall filters, finding 533
Firewall logs 534
Firewall service, configuring 530
FTP Access settings 251
FTP Advanced settings 252
FTP authentication 254
FTP General settings 250
FTP Logging settings 251
FTP logs 254
FTP user environment 254
FTP user messages 255
holding new print jobs 331
holding print jobs 330