Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 117

Directory Services
The dictionary that defines a BSD configuration file has the fields specified in the table
below. You can see examples of these fields in the preconfigured dictionaries for /etc/hosts,
/etc/group, /etc/master.passwd, and /etc/fstab. For detailed specifications of the data
required by Mac OS X directory services, see Appendix A, “Open Directory Data
If necessary, you can delete any line, including a dictionary line, by selecting the line and
clicking Delete.
If you delete a line by mistake, immediately choose Undo from the Edit menu.
When you finish, save and close the file.
Field name
An index that can be used as a second field to be searched as the
record name
A string that contains the hexadecimal ASCII code of a character to
be used to denote comment lines. This character must appear at
the beginning of any line that is to be interpreted as a comment.
Typically this character is # (hexadecimal 23)
A string that contains the hexadecimal ASCII code of a character to
be used to delimit each field within a record. Typically this character
is a colon (hexadecimal 3A)
An array of dictionaries. Each dictionary is one field within the
record. Each dictionary contains the FieldName and its position
(zero based) within the record. The field names must be Mac OS X
directory services attributes such as
The path to the BSD configuration file
Specifies how many fields are in each record
Specifies which field in each record contains the password
Specifies the hexadecimal ASCII codes of up to eight characters
used to delimit the end of a record. Typically this is the newline
character (hexadecimal 0A).
An index of the field to be used as the record name