Server status – Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 61

Administering Your Server
Click the service modules arranged on the Server Settings tabs to choose commands that let
you work with individual services:
m For administering file and print services, select the File & Print tab to access modules.
m For administering mail and Web service, select the Internet tab to access modules.
m For administering IP Firewall, DHCP, NetBoot, DNS, and SLP DA services, select the
Network tab to access modules.
m To retrieve online information, use the Help menu. It provides help for server
administrators about Server Settings as well as other Mac OS X Server topics.
Server Settings is not compatible with versions of Mac OS X Server earlier than version 10.2.
Server Status
You use Server Status to monitor the services running on Mac OS X Servers.
Server Status is installed in /Applications/Utilities/ when you install your server or set up an
administrative computer. To open Server Status, click the Server Status icon in the Dock of
Mac OS X Server or the Status icon in Workgroup Manager.
To select a server to monitor, click the Connect button in the Server Status toolbar. Enter the
IP address or DNS name of the server you want to monitor in the login window, or click
Browse to choose from a list of servers. Specify the user name and password for an
administrator, then click Connect.
Select items in the Devices & Services list to monitor specific servers and services running on
the servers:
m To review general status information for a particular server, select the server name.
m To review status information for a particular service running on a server, click the
disclosure triangle next to the server name to see a list of its services. Then select the
service of interest.
m To add a server to the Devices & Services list, click Connect in the toolbar and log in to
the server. The next time you open Server Status, any server you have added is displayed
in the Devices & Services list and can be monitored again by selecting a server in the list.
If a server in the list appears grey, double-click the server or click the Reconnect button in
the toolbar to log in again. Check the Add to Keychain option while you log in to enable
autoreconnect the next time you open Server Status.
m To remove a server from the Devices & Services list, select the server, click the Disconnect
button in the toolbar, and choose Remove From List from the Server menu.
m To control the way Server Status lists servers and services, how often status data is
refreshed, and other behaviors, choose Preferences from the Server Status menu.
m To customize the Server Status toolbar, choose Customize Toolbar command from the
View menu.