Apple Mac OS X Server (Administrator’s Guide) User Manual
Page 605

BSD configuration files 116
LDAPv2 108
LDAPv3 101
messages, mail. See mail service
defined 585
mappings 343
server response, setting 356
suffixes 340
type mapping 340
types 343
Types pane 343
understanding 340
Web server responses 340
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
MMLocalPrefs extension 423
mod_auth_apple module 365
mod_hfs_apple module 366
mod_macbinary_apple module 365
mod_perl module 366
mod_redirectacgi_apple module 366
mod_sherlock_apple module 365
MTA (mail transfer agent) 371
multicast backbone (MBONE)
multicast DNS 72
multicast services
changing priority of network connections in
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME)
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension. See MIME
MX (Mail Exchange) Records
MX (Mail Exchange) records 517, 518
MX hosts 516
MX records 372, 377, 381, 396
mysql (predefined group account) 131
MySQL Manager 367, 565
MySQL module 367
My SQL Server predefined account 130
named.conf file 520
name servers 516
NAT (Network Address Translation) 390
Neighborhood settings 239
“system-less” clients 506
about 52
administration tools for 62
administrator requirements 486
AirPort 493
applications and files for 485
Boot Server Discovery Protocol (BSDP) 491
capacity planning 488
client computer requirements 487
client computers 505, 506
configuring 501
creating Mac OS X disk image 496
default disk image 500
disabling disk images 502
disabling on Ethernet ports 502
disk images 492
enabling 501, 502
filtering clients 503
hard disk name in 455
image folders
image folders, NetBoot 489–490
installing Classic 497
key features of 485
load balancing 504–505
monitoring Mac OS 9 clients 503
monitoring Mac OS X clients 503
network requirements 488
property lists 490