Teledyne LeCroy USB Protocol Suite User Manual (Voyager_Advisor T3_Mercury) User Manual
Page 76

Teledyne LeCroy Corporation
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USB Protocol Suite User Manual
Update Device
Updates the BusEngine™ and Firmware manually.
“Manual Updates to Firmware, BusEngine, and
Launch CrossSync
Control Panel
Opens the CrossSync multiple‐analyzer traffic synchronization
software (see
on page 98). For more
information, refer to the CrossSync User Manual.
Analyzer Network Opens a dialog box for browsing to local and networked analyzers.
Within the dialog, click Add to browse. The dialog lists PCs that are
on the LAN. If a PC has an analyzer attached to it, and if DCOM
permissions have been set on the selected PC, clicking Select
establishes a connection.
All Connected
Opens a dialog box with a list of analyzers connected to the host
machine. Lets you select an analyzer and update the BusEngine,
Firmware, and licensing information.
USB 3.0 Device/
Host Signal
Adds, removes, edits, loads, and saves USB 3.0 devices and lists the
device name, device cable, host name, host cable, and to what the
Profile Signal Settings apply.
Used to calibrate 3.0 connections. Also shows custom device‐to‐
analyzer and host‐to‐analyzer signal settings.
“USB 3.0 Device/Host Signal Parameters (Voyager M3, M3i,
Advisor T3 and M3x)” on page 65
Causes the Analyzer to begin recording USB activity.
Causes the Analyzer to stop recording.
Upload Again
Allows you to upload a different portion of the captured trace if the
previous upload was only partially uploaded.
Reset SuperSpeed
Capture Engine
For USB 3.0 traffic capture, in some cases, the Analyzer might not
correctly lock onto the 5‐GBps signals on power up, or it may unlock
after a long period of usage. To issue a soft reset to the SuperSpeed
capture engine, select this command. Note: After performing the
reset, you must retrain the link on your devices.
“Traffic Generation 2.0” on page 315
Starts traffic generation. After traffic generation has begun, the Start
command becomes Stop and lets you stop traffic generation.
Generation Mode
Sets the mode of generation to IntelliFrame. Use before Start.
(2.0 only)
Generation Mode
Sets the mode of generation to bitstream. Use before Start. (2.0 only)
Repeat Mode
Allows you to repeat once, a specified number of times, or an infinite
number of times using the Generation Repeat Mode window.
(2.0 only)