Teledyne LeCroy USB Protocol Suite User Manual (Voyager_Advisor T3_Mercury) User Manual
Page 333

USB Protocol Suite User Manual
Format of Traffic Generation Files
Teledyne LeCroy Corporation
If you want to run only some first portion of the
beginning of a .utg file, insert this statement
where you want generation to halt. This saves
having to edit a file into smaller files when
testing a portion of traffic.
The usage of the keyword is stop=HERE.
Host Generation Only.
Enables you to generate up to a point in the .utg
file, then wait for input before continuing in the
file. During the breakpoint time, the traffic
signal icon in the toolbar flashes yellow,
indicating that a breakpoint was hit.
When you click the traffic light icon, generation
If you want to stop rather than continue, select
Stop from the Generation menu or hit the
Start/Stop button on the front of the generator
Start‐of‐frames are issued automatically during
the breakpoint duration. When you resume
running, traffic begins after another start‐of‐
frame is issued.
The break=HERE statement must be inserted
between frame=xxx statements.
Syntax example:
frame=AUTO break=HERE frame=AUTO
Key Code