T3.rsrie1 – Rainbow Electronics DS3170 User Manual
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DS3170 DS3/E3 Single-Chip Transceiver
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Bit 2: Remote Error Indication Count Latched (FBECL) – This bit is set when the FBEC bit transitions from zero
to one. This bit is set to zero in M23 DS3 mode.
Bit 1: P-bit Parity Error Count Latched (PECL) – This bit is set when the PEC bit transitions from zero to one.
Bit 0: Framing Error Count Latched (FECL) – This bit is set when the FEC bit transitions from zero to one.
Register Name:
Register Description:
T3 Receive Status Register Interrupt Enable #1
Register Address:
# 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved T3FMIE AICIE IDLEIE RUA1IE
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 11: T3 Framing Format Mismatch Interrupt Enable (T3FMIE) – This bit enables an interrupt if the T3FML bit
is set and the bit in
.PSRIE[4:1] that corresponds to this port is set.
0 = interrupt disabled
1 = interrupt enabled
Bit 10: Application Identification Channel Interrupt Enable (AICIE) – This bit enables an interrupt if the AICL bit
is set and the bit in
.PSRIE[4:1] that corresponds to this port is set.
0 = interrupt disabled
1 = interrupt enabled
Bit 9: DS3 Idle Signal Change Interrupt Enable (IDLEIE) – This bit enables an interrupt if the IDLEL bit is set and
the bit in
.PSRIE[4:1] that corresponds to this port is set.
0 = interrupt disabled
1 = interrupt enabled
Bit 8: Receive Unframed All 1’s Interrupt Enable (RUA1IE) – This bit enables an interrupt if the RUA1L bit is set
and the bit in
.PSRIE[4:1] that corresponds to this port is set.
0 = interrupt disabled
1 = interrupt enabled
Bit 7: Out Of Multiframe Interrupt Enable (OOMFIE) – This bit enables an interrupt if the OOMFL bit is set and
the bit in
.PSRIE[4:1] that corresponds to this port is set.
0 = interrupt disabled
1 = interrupt enabled
Bit 6: Severely Errored Frame Interrupt Enable (SEFIE) – This bit enables an interrupt if the SEFL bit is set and
the bit in
.PSRIE[4:1] that corresponds to this port is set.
0 = interrupt disabled
1 = interrupt enabled
Bit 5: Change Of Frame Alignment Interrupt Enable (COFAIE) – This bit enables an interrupt if the COFAL bit is
set and the bit in
.PSRIE[4:1] that corresponds to this port is set.
0 = interrupt disabled
1 = interrupt enabled
Bit 4: Loss Of Frame Interrupt Enable (LOFIE) – This bit enables an interrupt if the LOFL bit is set and the bit in
.PSRIE[4:1] that corresponds to this port is set.
0 = interrupt disabled
1 = interrupt enabled