Rockwell Automation 2711-ND3 PanelBuilder v2.60 Software User Manual User Manual

Page 495

background image


Publication 2711–6.0

Triggering a State, 12–13
Types, 12–12

Multistate Push Buttons

Attributes, 8–4
Configuring States, 7–15
Creating, 8–4
Description, 1–6, 8–2
Setting Number of States, 8–8, 8–9


Numeric Data Display

Attributes, 12–10
Creating, 12–9
Decimal Point, 12–11
Description, 1–6
Error State, 12–3
Read Tag, 12–11
Scaled, 12–2
Types of, 12–9
Without Scaling, 12–2

Numeric Entry

Cursor Point, 10–2, 10–7
Cursor Point Example, 10–3
Dialog, 10–7
Display, 10–9
Format, 10–10
Handshake and Notification Tags, 10–11
Input, 10–8
Keypad Enable, 10–2
Keypad Enable Example, 10–3
Scaling Data, 10–4
Scratchpad, 10–2
Write Tag, 10–8

Numeric Variable, 7–17, 17–14, 18–5


Object Formatting

Changing Fill Pattern, 17–6
Changing Line Type, 17–5
Changing Shape, 17–4
Using Foreground/Background, 17–9


Accessing, 7–2
Aligning, 7–5
Background, 7–16
Bring to Front, 7–11
Configuring States, 7–15
Copying, 7–20
Creating in Display Area, 7–3, 7–4
Creating on Function Keys, 7–3, 7–7
Cutting, 7–21
Default Size, 7–4
Deleting, 7–22
Description, 7–18

Deselecting, 7–8
Dragging, 7–9
Dynamic or Static, 1–6
Editing Attributes, 7–14
Fill, 7–16
Foreground, 7–16
Formatting, 7–13, 17–3
Global, 14–1, 14–5
Grouped, 7–10
Linking to Controller Data File, 3–6
Move to Back, 7–11
Moving, 7–9
Pasting, 7–21
Regrouping, 7–10
Resizing, 7–9
Selecting, 7–8
Selecting Multiple, 7–8
Setting Default Colors, 7–13
Sizing, 7–9
Stacking, 7–11
Text, 7–16
Turning View On or Off, 7–19
Types, 1–6
Ungrouping, 7–10
Viewing Attributes, 7–14
Zooming, 7–11

Objects Menu, Commands, A–3


Page Down List Key, 9–12, 11–9

Page Up List Key, 9–12, 11–9

Palette, Using Color, 5–8


Defaults, 5–13
Description, 1–1
Exiting, 6–21
Installing, 2–4
Preferences, 1–2
Starting, 6–2
System Requirements, 2–1

PanelBuilder Windows, 5–2

Application File Window, 5–3
Application Screen Window, 5–3


Advanced Terminal Setup, 20–21
Converting Applications, 6–18
Features, 1–2
Screen Worksheets, C–1
Terminal Display Settings, 20–22
Terminal Setup, 20–2