Rockwell Automation 2711-ND3 PanelBuilder v2.60 Software User Manual User Manual

Page 456

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Validation Messages


Publication 2711-6.0

Validation Message

What to do


Bit positions for this trigger should be

For fastest operation, all alarms within a
trigger should use successive bits (i.e. 1,2,3,4
as opposed to 1,3,5,6)

Change the bits used for triggering so they
are contiguous for this trigger.

Bit position out of range for this trigger.

The bit position specified for the alarm trigger
exceeds the number of positions supported
by the trigger’s data type/length.

Move the alarm to another trigger or change
the trigger’s data type/length.

Block Transfer Channel Number: (Num) –
Length is Invalid.

The block transfer length is defined as 0 or
exceeds the maximum of 64.

In the Block transfer dialog, correct the invalid
length of a block transfer.

Cannot use Bit Array tags with LSB triggering
in FMW 1.00-1.xx.

A bit array has been specified as a Least
Significant Bit trigger.

Select a different data type.

Cannot use Internal Tags with LSB triggering.

An internal tag is specified for use with Least
Significant Bit triggering of an indicator.

Select a non-internal tag.

Cannot write to output of discrete rack

The write tag of a control object is assigned a
discrete rack output address. The PanelView
cannot write data to a controller output.

Change the address of the write tag
(controller input) or use a different write tag
for the object.

Can’t trigger off of an internal tag.

Internal tag specified as a trigger.

Select a non-internal tag.

Copying Font File...

Status message displayed while saving a font
file to disk or memory.

Wait for save operation to complete.

Custom text for numeric scratch pad (Enter
value) text is limited to (number) characters

Text is limited to 30/15 for characters when
single/double byte is selected.

Reduce text or change font size.

Custom text for numeric scratch pad (to) text
is limited to (number) characters

Text is limited to 4/2 for characters when
single/double byte is selected.

Reduce text or change font size.

Data bit (Num) number out of range

The bit number assigned to an object state is
out of range.

Open the object’s dialog and select a different
bit number for the object state.

Data value (value) is out of range

The value entered for an object state is not
within the valid range for the data type.

Open the object’s dialog and enter a valid
value for the state.

Decimal position must be less than field width
by at least 2 digits.

The decimal position for a numeric data
display or variable is > than the field width -2.

Open the object’s dialog and select a decimal
position that is less than the field width.

Decimal position (number) out of range

The decimal position for a numeric data
display or variable is invalid for the field width.

Open the object’s dialog and enter a decimal
position that’s valid for the field width.

Device (name) has node address outside
valid range 1 - 31

The device has an incorrect DH-485 node

From the Setup tab in Terminal Setup, press
the Comms. Setup button to correct the
DH-485 node address.

Device too small for Text display

An object is too small to display the inner text.

Change the size of the object or use a smaller
text size.

Duplicate alarm values or bits exist within

More than one alarm uses the same trigger

Change the alarm trigger bits/values so they
are not identical.

Duplicate data bit number (number) in state

The same bit number is assigned to two
states of an object.

Open the object’s dialog and select a different
bit number for one of the states.

Duplicate data value (value) in state (number)

The same value is assigned to two states of
an object.

Open object’s dialog and enter a different
value for one of the states.

Duplicate Tags
Write tag (name) is already in use

Two objects contain the same write tag.
Control objects cannot use the same write tag

Select another write tag for one of the objects.

Dynamic object obscured by another object,
appearance on terminal may differ.

A dynamic object is obscured by another
object when redrawn on the terminal because
of data updated in controller. The object that
is obscuring the dynamic object is erased.

Move the object.

Field length (number) out of range

The field width for a numeric data display or
variable is invalid.

Open the object’s dialog and enter a valid
field width.