Rockwell Automation 2711-ND3 PanelBuilder v2.60 Software User Manual User Manual

Page 245

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Creating Alarms

Publication 2711-6.0

Optional Fields

Tag Direction



Ack Tag

PanelView ➾ Controller

Name of address where the terminal writes a
value to notify the controller when an alarm
has been acknowledged.
The terminal writes the trigger value or bit
position value (Value/Bit field) of the trigger to
the Ack tag address when:

operator presses Ack button

operator presses Enter key to acknowledge

alarm in Alarm List

controller writes a value or triggers a bit at
the Remote Ack tag address

The terminal writes the Acknowledge All value
to this address when:

Ack All button is pressed

Controller acknowledges all active alarms

using the Ack. All Alarm tag (Setup tab).

This tag is ignored if the Ack option is
disabled on the Alarms tab.

The terminal clears the value at the Ack
tag address when the Ack or Ack All
button is released or the Acknowledge
Hold time has expired, whichever is longer.

Handshake Tag
(for Trigger)➀

PanelView ➾ Controller

Name of address where the terminal toggles
a bit to indicate that it received new Alarm
Trigger data from the controller.

This field is used in conjunction with the Trig-
ger Tag.

Remote Ack Tag

Controller ➾ PanelView

Name of address where the controller
acknowledges one or all alarms for a trigger.

For Value Triggers, the controller writes the
alarm’s trigger value to the Remote Ack
address to acknowledge a single alarm.

The controller writes the Acknowledge All
value to the Remote Ack address to
acknowledge all alarms for a trigger.

For Bit/LSBit triggers:
Remote Ack tag uses the same bit pattern as
the trigger tag. To acknowledge all alarms for
a trigger, the controller writes a 1 to the bit
position that is one greater than the last
trigger bit used (in the Value/Bit field).
If the Ack tag is not used, the controller can
acknowledge more than one alarm at a time.
If the Ack tag is used, the controller can only
acknowledge one alarm and must reset the
bit before acknowledging the next alarm.

If the controller is acknowledging alarms, it
is the responsibility of the controller
program to reset/clear the value at the
Remote Ack address. If the value is not
reset/cleared, the operator will not be able
to acknowledge alarms locally (at the

The Remote Ack tag must be in the same
scan group as the alarm trigger.

Remote (Ack)
Handshake Tag ➀

PanelView ➾ Controller

Name of address where the terminal toggles
a bit to indicate that it received a new Remote
Acknowledge value from the controller.

This tag is used only in conjunction with
the Remote Ack tag.

Acknowledge All

Value written to the Ack tag or Remote Ack
tag address when all alarms are
acknowledged for a trigger.

operator presses the Ack All button

controller acknowledges all active alarms
using the Ack. All Alarm tag (Setup tab).

controller acknowledges all alarms for a
trigger by writing the Acknowledge All Value
to the Remote Ack tag address.

For Value triggers, the value is written to the
Ack tag by the PanelView or Remote tag
address by the controller.
For Bit/LSBit triggers, the value is written to
the Ack tag address only.

The Acknowledge All Value can be any
value except for the trigger value assigned
to alarms. Do not use the value 0 since
PanelBuilder uses 0 as a reset value.

Each trigger may have a different
Acknowledge All Value.

➀ The PanelView terminal sets all handshake bits to 1 on powerup, regardless of whether an alarm is triggered or not.