Rockwell Automation 2711-ND3 PanelBuilder v2.60 Software User Manual User Manual

Page 457

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Validation Messages


Publication 2711-6.0

Validation Message

What to do


Font file is not successfully loaded

Font file cannot be read.

Check the (file name).otf file to make sure it is
the latest file created from FontTool.

Font file must contain 16 high font to
customize numeric scratch pad text.

Font file does not contain 16 high font.

Create font file with 16 high font, refer to
terminal font setup dialog.

Foreground and background colors must be

The foreground and background colors for
this object are the same.

Change colors so they are not identical.

Function key not assigned

The object is configured for function key input
but isn’t assigned to a specific function key.

Open the object’s dialog and select a function

Function key (number) not valid

The specified object is assigned an invalid
function key.

Open the object’s dialog and assign a valid
function key.

Function key (number) used twice

The same function key is assigned to two
different objects on the same screen.

Open one of the object’s dialog and assign a
different function key.

Graphic foreground color is the same as its
background color.

Graphic foreground color is the same as text
background color.

Change colors so they are not identical..

Graphic (name) not found

An object or object state is assigned an inner
graphic that no longer exists.

Select another inner graphic for the object or
import a bit map graphic with the same name.

Handshake tag not defined

The handshake tag is undefined for a latched
push button object.

Open the object’s dialog and assign a
handshake tag name.

Height (value) is out of range

The height of the object is invalid.

Resize the object.

Hold time (value) is out of range

The hold time entered for a momentary push
button is invalid.

Open the object’s dialog and select a hold
time from the Hold Time list box.

Illegal font size for this type of device.

An internal font size with the same height as
the currently selected external font does not
exist for a device having a list cursor or an
acknowledge icon.

Make sure that an internal font size exists with
the same height as the currently selected
external font.

(Initial, Min, Max, Scale or Offset) value of
(value) not valid or not in range

The value entered for the initial value,
min/max value, or scale/offset value is invalid
or out of range for the tag data type.

Enter a value that is within the valid range for
the data type.

Initial Value entry of (value) for tag (name)
may result in out of range data value

Initial value specified for the tag is not within
the min/max data entry limits entered in the
Tag Editor.

Enter an initial value that is within the valid
min/max range for the tag.

Initial Value entry of (value) for tag (name) will
yield controller Initial Value of (value) due to
scaling and rounding

A warning that indicates the initial value sent
to the controller will be rounded because of
the precision of the scale factor.

Action is not required unless a rounded value
is unacceptable.

Initial Value of (value) for tag (name) yields an
Out of Range controller Initial Value of (value)

Initial value specified for the tag is not within
the valid range for the data type.

Enter an initial value that is valid.

Invalid length, Bit Arrays cannot cross word

The length of a bit array exceeds 16 bits.

Change the starting bit number for the bit
array or change the array size in Tag Editor.

Loading external font file...

Status message displayed when loading
external font.

Wait until operation is complete.

Logic controller is not configured for Block
Transfers. Terminal’s RIO Port setup requires
Block Transfer support.

The terminal is configured to use Block
Transfers but the controller is not.

From the Setup tab (Terminal Setup dialog),
press the Comms. Setup button. Verify that
the selected controller supports block
transfers. If the controller supports block
transfers, press the Block Transfer button and
verify that block transfers are defined.

Max entry limit of (value) for tag (name) may
result in out of range data value

The max data entry limit value entered in the
Tag Editor lets you enter a number resulting in
an out of range value on the logic controller.

Enter a valid maximum data entry limit in the
form view of the tag editor.

Min entry limit of (value) for tag (name) may
result in out of range data value

The min data entry limit value entered in the
tag editor lets you enter a number resulting in
an out of range value on the logic controller.

Enter a valid minimum data entry limit in the
form view of the tag editor.