3Com WXR100 3CRWXR10095A User Manual
3Com Computer Accessories
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Command Reference
- About This Guide
- New Features Summary
- Virtual Controller Clustering Configuration
- AP 3950 PoE Configuration
- 802.11n Configuration
- External Captive Portal Support
- Simultaneous Login Support
- Dynamic RADIUS Extensions
- MAC User Range Authentication
- MAC Authentication Request Format
- User Attribute Enhancements
- Enhancements to Location Policy Configuration
- RADIUS Ping Utility
- Unique AP Number Support
- Bandwidth Management
- RF Scanning Enhancements
- RF Detection Configuration
- display aaa Command Replacements
- display ap config Enhancements
- display load Enhancements
- display radio-profile Enhancements
- display sessions network ap Enhancements
- clear sessions network Enhancements
- display service-profile Enhancements
- display rfdetect Changes
- Using the Command-Line Interface
- Access Commands
- System Service Commands
- Commands by Usage
- clear banner motd
- clear history
- clear prompt
- clear system
- display banner motd
- display base-information
- display license
- display load
- display system
- help
- history
- quickstart
- set auto-config
- set banner acknowledge
- set banner motd
- set confirm
- set length
- set license
- set prompt
- set system contact
- set system countrycode
- set system idle-timeout
- set system ip-address
- set system location
- set system name
- Port Commands
- Commands by Usage
- clear ap
- clear port counters
- clear port-group
- clear port media-type
- clear port name
- clear port mirror
- clear port preference
- clear port type
- display port counters
- display port-group
- display port mirror
- display port poe
- display port status
- display port media-type
- monitor port counters
- reset port
- set ap
- set port
- set port-group
- set port media-type
- set port mirror
- set port name
- set port negotiation
- set port poe
- set port speed
- set port trap
- set port type ap
- set port type wired-auth
- VLAN Commands
- Commands by usage
- clear fdb
- clear security L2-restrict
- clear security L2-restrict counters
- clear vlan
- clear vlan-profile
- display fdb
- display fdb agingtime
- display fdb count
- display roaming station
- display roaming vlan
- display security L2-restrict
- display tunnel
- display vlan config
- display vlan-profile
- set fdb
- set fdb agingtime
- set security L2-restrict
- set vlan name
- set vlan port
- set vlan tunnel-affinity
- set vlan profile
- Quality of Service Commands
- IP Services Commands
- Commands by Usage
- clear interface
- clear ip alias
- clear ip dns domain
- clear ip dns server
- clear ip route
- clear ip telnet
- clear ntp server
- clear ntp update-interval
- clear snmp community
- clear snmp notify profile
- clear snmp notify target
- clear snmp usm
- clear summertime
- clear system ip-address
- clear timezone
- display arp
- display dhcp-client
- display dhcp-server
- display interface
- display ip alias
- display ip dns
- display ip https
- display ip route
- display ip telnet
- display ntp
- display snmp community
- display snmp counters
- display snmp notify profile
- display snmp notify target
- display snmp status
- display snmp usm
- display summertime
- display timedate
- display timezone
- ping
- set arp
- set arp agingtime
- set interface
- set interface dhcp-client
- set interface dhcp-server
- set interface status
- set ip alias
- set ip dns
- set ip dns domain
- set ip dns server
- set ip https server
- set ip route
- set ip snmp server
- set ip ssh
- set ip ssh server
- set ip telnet
- set ip telnet server
- set ntp
- set ntp server
- set ntp update-interval
- set snmp community
- set snmp notify profile
- set snmp notify target
- set snmp protocol
- set snmp security
- set snmp usm
- set summertime
- set system ip-address
- set timedate
- set timezone
- telnet
- traceroute
- AAA Commands
- Commands by Usage
- clear accounting
- clear authentication admin
- clear authentication console
- clear authentication dot1x
- clear authentication mac
- clear authentication proxy
- clear authentication web
- clear location policy
- clear mac-user
- clear mac-user attr
- clear mac-user group
- clear mac-usergroup
- clear mac-usergroup attr
- clear mobility-profile
- clear user
- clear user attr
- clear user group
- clear user lockout
- clear usergroup
- clear usergroup attr
- display aaa
- display accounting statistics
- display location policy
- display mobility-profile
- set accounting {admin | console}
- set accounting {dot1x | mac | web | last-resort}
- set authentication admin
- set authentication console
- set authentication dot1x
- set authentication mac
- set authentication max-attempts
- set authentication max-attempts
- set authentication minimum-password -length
- set authentication password-restrict
- set authentication proxy
- set authentication web
- set location policy
- set mac-user
- set mac-user attr
- set mac-usergroup attr
- set mobility-profile
- set mobility-profile mode
- set user
- set user attr
- set user expire-password-in
- set user group
- set usergroup
- set usergroup expire-password-in
- set web-portal
- Mobility Domain Commands
- Commands by Usage
- clear mobility-domain
- clear mobility-domain member
- display mobility-domain
- display mobility-domain config
- display mobility-domain status
- set mobility-domain member
- set mobility-domain mode member secondary seed-ip
- set mobility-domain mode member seed-ip
- set mobility-domain mode secondary-seed domain-name
- set mobility-domain mode seed domain-name
- set domain security
- Network Domain Commands
- Managed Access Point Commands
- MAP Access Point Commands by Usage
- clear ap local-switching vlan-profile
- clear ap radio
- clear ap boot-configuration
- clear ap radio load-balancing group
- clear radio-profile
- clear service-profile
- display ap arp
- display ap config
- display ap counters
- display ap fdb
- display ap qos-stats
- display ap etherstats
- display ap group
- display ap mesh-links
- display ap status
- display ap vlan
- display auto-tune attributes
- display auto-tune neighbors
- display ap boot-configuration
- display ap connection
- display ap global
- display ap unconfigured
- display load-balancing group
- display radio-profile
- display service-profile
- reset ap
- set ap auto
- set ap auto persistent
- set ap auto radiotype
- set ap auto mode
- set ap bias
- set ap blink
- set ap boot- configuration ip
- set ap boot- configuration mesh mode
- set ap boot-configuration mesh psk-phrase
- set ap boot-configuration mesh psk-raw
- set ap boot-configuration mesh ssid
- set ap boot- configuration switch
- set ap boot-configuration vlan
- set ap contact
- set ap fingerprint
- set ap force-image- download
- set ap group
- set ap location
- set ap local-switching mode
- set ap local-switching vlan-profile
- set ap name
- set ap radio antenna-location
- set ap radio antennatype
- set ap radio auto-tune max-power
- set ap radio auto-tune max- retransmissions
- set ap radio channel
- set ap radio link-calibration
- set ap radio load balancing
- set ap radio load balancing group
- set ap radio mode
- set ap radio radio-profile
- set ap radio tx-power
- set ap security
- set ap upgrade-firmware
- set band-preference
- set load-balancing mode
- set load-balancing strictness
- set radio-profile 11g-only
- set radio-profile active-scan
- set radio-profile auto-tune 11a-channel-range
- set radio-profile auto-tune channel-config
- set radio-profile auto-tune channel-holddown
- set radio-profile auto-tune channel-interval
- set radio-profile auto-tune channel-lockdown
- set radio-profile auto-tune power-config
- set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval
- set radio-profile auto-tune power-lockdown
- set radio-profile auto-tune power-ramp-interv al
- set radio-profile beacon-interval
- set radio-profile countermeasures
- set radio-profile dtim-interval
- set radio-profile frag-threshold
- set radio-profile long-retry
- set radio-profile max-rx-lifetime
- set radio-profile max-tx-lifetime
- set radio-profile mode
- set radio-profile preamble-length
- set radio-profile qos-mode
- set radio-profile rfid-mode
- set radio-profile rate-enforcement
- set radio-profile rts-threshold
- set radio-profile service-profile
- set radio-profile short-retry
- set radio-profile wmm
- set radio-profile wmm-powersave
- set service-profile attr
- set service-profile auth-dot1x
- set service-profile auth-fallthru
- set service-profile auth-psk
- set service-profile beacon
- set service-profile bridging
- set service-profile cac-mode
- set service-profile cac-session
- set service-profile cipher-ccmp
- set service-profile cipher-tkip
- set service-profile cipher-wep104
- set service-profile cipher-wep40
- set service-profile cos
- set service-profile dhcp-restrict
- set service-profile idle-client-probing
- set service-profile keep-initial-vlan
- set service-profile load-balancing- exempt
- set service-profile long-retry-count
- set service-profile mesh
- set service-profile no-broadcast
- set service-profile proxy-arp
- set service-profile psk-phrase
- set service-profile psk-raw
- set service-profile rsn-ie
- set service-profile shared-key-auth
- set service-profile short-retry-count
- set service-profile soda agent-directory
- set service-profile soda enforce-checks
- set service-profile soda failure-page
- set service-profile soda logout-page
- set service-profile soda mode
- set service-profile soda remediation-acl
- set service-profile soda success-page
- set service-profile ssid-name
- set service-profile ssid-type
- set service-profile tkip-mc-time
- set service-profile static-cos
- set service-profile transmit-rates
- set service-profile use-client-dscp
- set service-profile user-idle-timeout
- set service-profile web-portal-acl
- set service-profile web-portal-form
- set service-profile web-portal-logout logout-url
- set service-profile web-portal-logout mode
- set service-profile web-portal-session- timeout
- set service-profile wep active-multicast- index
- set service-profile wep active-unicast- index
- set service-profile wep key-index
- set service-profile wpa-ie
- STP Commands
- STP Commands by Usage
- clear spantree portcost
- clear spantree portpri
- clear spantree portvlancost
- clear spantree portvlanpri
- clear spantree statistics
- display spantree
- display spantree backbonefast
- display spantree blockedports
- display spantree portfast
- display spantree portvlancost
- display spantree statistics
- display spantree uplinkfast
- set spantree
- set spantree backbonefast
- set spantree fwddelay
- set spantree hello
- set spantree maxage
- set spantree portcost
- set spantree portfast
- set spantree portpri
- set spantree portvlancost
- set spantree portvlanpri
- set spantree priority
- set spantree uplinkfast
- IGMP Snooping Commands
- Commands by usage
- clear igmp statistics
- display igmp
- display igmp mrouter
- display igmp querier
- display igmp receiver-table
- display igmp statistics
- set igmp
- set igmp lmqi
- set igmp mrouter
- set igmp mrsol
- set igmp mrsol mrsi
- set igmp oqi
- set igmp proxy-report
- set igmp qi
- set igmp qri
- set igmp querier
- set igmp receiver
- set igmp rv
- Security ACL Commands
- Security ACL Commands by Usage
- clear security acl
- clear security acl map
- commit security acl
- display security acl
- display security acl editbuffer
- display security acl hits
- display security acl info
- display security acl map
- display security acl resource-usage
- rollback security acl
- set security acl
- set security acl map
- set security acl hit-sample-rate
- Cryptography Commands
- RADIUS and Server Group Commands
- 802.1X Management Commands
- Commands by Usage
- clear dot1x bonded-period
- clear dot1x max-req
- clear dot1x port-control
- clear dot1x quiet-period
- clear dot1x reauth-max
- clear dot1x reauth-period
- clear dot1x timeout auth-server
- clear dot1x timeout supplicant
- clear dot1x tx-period
- display dot1x
- set dot1x authcontrol
- set dot1x bonded-period
- set dot1x key-tx
- set dot1x max-req
- set dot1x port-control
- set dot1x quiet-period
- set dot1x reauth
- set dot1x reauth-max
- set dot1x reauth-period
- set dot1x timeout auth-server
- set dot1x timeout supplicant
- set dot1x tx-period
- set dot1x wep-rekey
- set dot1x wep-rekey-period
- Session Management Commands
- RF Detection Commands
- Commands by Usage
- clear rfdetect attack-list
- clear rfdetect black-list
- clear rfdetect ignore
- clear rfdetect ssid-list
- clear rfdetect vendor-list
- rfping
- display rfdetect attack-list
- display rfdetect black-list
- display rfdetect clients
- display rfdetect countermeasures
- display rfdetect counters
- display rfdetect data
- display rfdetect ignore
- display rfdetect mobility-domain
- display rfdetect ssid-list
- display rfdetect vendor-list
- display rfdetect visible
- set rfdetect active-scan
- set rfdetect attack-list
- set rfdetect black-list
- set rf detect countermeasures
- set rfdetect countermeasures mac
- set rfdetect ignore
- set rfdetect log
- set rfdetect signature
- set rfdetect signature key
- set rfdetect ssid-list
- set rfdetect vendor-list
- test rflink
- File Management Commands
- Trace Commands
- Snoop Commands
- System Log Commands
- Boot Prompt Commands
- Obtaining Support for Your 3Com Products
- Index