AltiGen MAXCS 7.0 Update 1 ACM Administration User Manual

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Chapter 1: New Features


MaxCS 7.5 Administration Manual

Conference Call (Station) -

the system supports conference calls with up to 6 parties, including the dial-

ing extension. You can speak privately to each person before adding the person to the conference. The
conference initiator can mute conference members from MaxCommunicator and MaxAgent.

Conference Call (MeetMe)

- multiple parties can call into a pre-scheduled conference bridge to join a

conference call. The conference host can mute or drop conference members.

Configurable Phone Display

- the system administrator can configure the Caller ID, Name, or DNIS

number displayed on a phone set.

Conversation Recording

- an extension user can record a conversation to voice mail or, with the appro-

priate license, to a central folder.

Dialed Digit Translation

- allows the administrator to select a single dialed digit that can be assigned to

route a call to any destination. First Digit Translator allows the administrator to select a single dialed
digit that can be assigned to route a call to any destination. Extension Dialed Digit Translator allows
predefined dialed digits by an extension to be translated into a different dialing string. The digit manipula-
tion option allows you to remove or add digits to a number dialed by the extension.

Dial Last Caller

- allows user to dial the last caller using #69.

Direct Inward Dial (DID)

- allows an incoming trunk call to directly access an extension without IVR

If your local exchange carrier provides DID service, DID calls will automatically be steered to the appro-
priate destination.

Directory Name Announcement

- the extension user’s directory name will be announced to the caller

before the call rings to a phone.

Distinctive Call Waiting Tone

- allows three different call waiting tone cadences to distinguish between

internal, external, and operator calls.

Distinctive Ringing

- allows three different ringing cadences to distinguish between internal, external,

and operator calls.

Do Not Disturb

- blocks all calls coming into a specific extension and sends them to preprogrammed

destinations such as voice mail or the operator.

Extension Activity Display

and Greeting - allows users to select from a set of pre-defined or custom-

ized activity codes that can be played or displayed when the user is absent. A greeting associated with
the activity can be recorded and played to the caller. The activity is displayed if the caller is a MaxCom-
municator, MaxAgent, or IP phone user.

Extension Based Feature Profile

- the system administrator is able to create an extension feature pro-

file that includes enabling and disabling of extension features.

FSK-based Message Waiting

- allows message waiting that is based on frequency-shift keying (FSK), a

modulation technique for data transmission.

Hands Free (dial tone mute) Mode

- by pressing #82, allows a user to leave handset off-hook or use a

headset without having to hear the dial tone.

Hands Free (Intercom) Mode

- by pressing #81 while on their speaker phone, users can receive internal

calls without having to pick up the handset to answer.

Holiday Routing

- routes inbound DNIS and trunk calls on designated holidays to specified destinations.

You can create separate routes for business and non-business hours on half-day holidays. Multiple Holi-
day Profiles can be configured in a system. Also, multiple Holiday Profiles can be assigned to DNIS
Routing, Caller ID and Trunk In Call Routing entries.

Hop Off Calls over VoIP or T1/PRI Tie Trunks

- multiple systems at the same or remote locations can

be linked through VoIP or T1/PRI networks. Also, this feature provides toll savings on long distance calls
by allowing users to dial a remote system via VoIP or T1/PRI trunk and then the destination phone num-
ber through PSTN.

Hunt Group

- a group of extensions can be set up to perform call coverage, so that if the first extension

This manual is related to the following products: