Vpn devices, Vpn device general view – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
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VPN devices
This function manages PE and CE devices. You can synchronize, view, and query the devices. In addition,
you can switch regions for a PE device, and manages manageable CEs and non-managed CEs.
VPN device general view
MPLS VPN Management provides the general view of the statistics about devices counted by device type
and alarm level.
To enter the VPN device general view page:
Click the Service tab.
From the navigation tree, select MPLS VPN Manager > VPN Devices.
The VPN Device General View displays the VPN device charts.
Figure 12 VPN devices
You can view the statistics of all devices and failures on this page.
The device type pie charts show the number of PEs, SPEs, UPEs, MPEs, CEs, MCEs, and VMCEs.
The device view chart shows the device type by number in descending order and the number of
devices that belong to each type.
The PE device alarm pie chart shows the number of the PE devices in each alarm state.
The CE device alarm pie chart shows the number of the CE devices in each alarm state.
You can click a chart to enter the device list and manage the devices in the list.