H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 272

Pseudo wire. The bidirectional virtual connection between two VSIs. A PW
consists of two unidirectional virtual circuits (VCs).
Route Distinguisher. An address field prefixed to a specific IPv4 address,
making VPN IPv4 prefixes globally unique.
Network devices that belong to the same area are assigned to the same
region to facilitate management. A region can contain up to ten levels of
Resource Reservation Protocol. RSVP is designed for Integrated Service
(IntServ). It reserves resources on each node along a path. RSVP operates at
the transport layer but does not participate in data transmission. It is an
Internet control protocol similar to ICMP.
RSVP Traffic Engineering extension protocol. RSVP-TE is an extension to the
RSVP. It supports MPLS label distribution and allows resource reservation
information to be transmitted with label bindings. It can be used as a
signaling protocol for LSP tunnel setup in MPLS TE.
Route Target. BGP/MPLS uses the 32-bit BGP extended community attributes
called VPN target attributes, or route target attributes, to control the
advertisement and receipt of VPN routing information.VPN RT attributes
define which sites can receive VPN-IPv4 routes, and from which sites a PE can
receive routes.
Service Access. Equals to a PE-CE link, indicating an access from a CE in the
Service Community. The basic element in constructing a VPN, including
Full-Mesh and Hub-Spoke networking schemes. If multiple SCs exist in a
common station, they can form a VPN together.
service topology Logical structure of all VPN links in a VPN, including links between CEs and
CEs, with CEs including manageable CEs and non-managed CEs.
A group of IP systems with IP connectivity being implemented without relying
on any service provider network.
Service Oriented Architecture.
Superstratum PE (SPE) or Service Provider-end PE. The device connecting the
core device in an HoPE architecture.
In Hub-Spoke networking scheme, the sites that do not reside on the core are
called spoke sites. Packets from these sites reach the destination through the
hub node.
Traffic Engineering. The process of steering traffic across the network
backbone to enable efficient use of available bandwidth between two routers.
TCP Transmission
User Facing-Provider Edge. A device that functions edge device that functions
as the user access convergence device. In a HoPE architecture, the device
connecting the user network is called an underlayer PE (UPE) or user-end PE.
Virtual Dialup Private Network. Extends remote access to a private network
using a shared infrastructure.
Virtual Leased Line. A point-to-point virtual leased line technology.