Usage scenario 6 – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
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Select Node Protection from the Protection Type list.
Click Next.
In the Node List section of the page, select the link that you want to protect.
Click Next.
In the Protected Tunnel List section of the page, select the bypass tunnel, and then click Bound >
Complete. The bypass tunnel is bound with the primary tunnel and disappears from the Protected
Tunnel List section.
You can click the Operation icon
to view detailed information about the protection.
To introduce traffic to the primary tunnel:
Click Service > MPLS TE Manager > Traffic Access Mng from the tabular navigation system on the
top of the IMC main page.
In the Access Traffic List section of the page, click Add.
The Traffic Access Type Selection page appears, as shown in
Figure 107 Usage scenario 5 — Traffic Access Type Selection page
Click Select next to Device Name, enter part or the entire name of Router A and click the Query
button. Devices matching this description appear in the Device Query List section of the page.
Select Router A, and then click OK.
Click Select next to Tunnel Name, enter part or the entire name of the primary tunnel that you have
just created in the Tunnel Name field, and then click Query. Tunnels matching this description
appear in the Tunnel Info List section of the page. Select the primary tunnel, and then click OK.
Click Next.
Click Complete. The traffic access is added successfully and appears in the Access Traffic List
section of the page.
Usage scenario 6
A company has four offices, office A through office D, which are connected with one another through
networks. It is required that data from office A to office C must pass through the device (Router D) in office