Viewing l2vpn information on a pe – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 107

The selected devices appear in the page.
Verify the imported devices.
To add more devices, repeat step 4.
To delete devices, select one or multiple devices in the PE Devices and click Delete.
Click OK.
You can view the import process and results in the Import Device page.
Viewing L2VPN information on a PE
Click the Service tab.
From the navigation tree, select L2VPN Manager > VPN Devices > PE Devices.
The PE Devices page displays all PE devices.
Click the Details icon
for a PE to enter the L2VPN information page for the PE.
The output varies with the configured global L2VPN parameters. The page displays the LDP Info,
PBB Info, VLL Info, and GRE Tunnel Info tabs for VLL+PBB+LDP VPLSs.
LDP Info tab
This tab consists of the VSI Query area and the Discovered VSI List area. You can query a VSI in
the Discovered VSI List by its VSI ID and VSI name that you entered in the VSI ID field and the VSI
Name field. The Discovered VSI List area displays all configured VSIs.
Discovered VSI List contents
VSI ID—ID of the VSI.
VSI Name—Name of the VSI.
MAC Learning Status—MAC address learning state. Options are Enabled or Disabled.
MAC Learning Capability—The maximum number of MAC addresses that the VSI can learn.
Tunnel Policy—Tunnel policy that the VSI uses.
Wtr Time—Wait time for switching traffic from the backup PW to the primary PW when the
primary PW recovers.
Binding Information—Click the Binding Information icon
to enter the Binding Information
page. You can view the binding interface, encapsulation type, service instance ID, bandwidth,
and VLAN ID on the page.
To configure MAC address learning, select one or multiple VSIs and click MAC Learning on top of
the Discovered VSI List to modify the MAC learning status and MAC learning capability.
PBB Info tab
This tab consists of the VSI Query area and the Discovered VSI List area. You can query a VSI in
the Discovered VSI List by its I-SID and VSI name that you enter in the I-SID field and the VSI Name
field. The Discovered VSI List area displays all configured PBB VSIs.
Discovered VSI List contents