Keri Systems Doors.NET Manual User Manual
Page 7

Doors.NET Reference Manual
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Alerts can be easily setup in Doors.NET to automatically give an indication in the soft-
ware when a certain event occurs. For example, if a panic button is pressed, if a secure
door is forced open, if an Anti-Passback violation occurs, if a reader or a controller goes
offline, if a tamper switch goes active, or if a motion detection sensor is activated.
An alert can be generated from virtually any hardware object defined in the system; (a
reader, controller, input (monitor point), output (control point) or NXT 4x4 module). A
sound alert can also be attributed to a wide variety of system events, so that a sound file
will automatically play when the event happens, and it can be set to repeat until the
event has been confirmed. This is ideal for a system that is not being continually mon-
itored, (as there will not always be someone looking at the software screen). The sound
file can be any .WAV format file or you can use any of the sound files included in the soft-
ware by default. In addition, if the system is not always monitored, it is easy to setup
event notification to occur via e-mail or SMS. A notification will appear in the recipient's
inbox or on their mobile phone when the event happens, along with additional inform-
ation such as the event type, the door location and time/date stamp.
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