Preferences – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 98

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 98

Revision 2.1

Figure 76 – Entering a Department Group


Locate the Dept Groups field and click on the

arrow. A list of existing department

groups is displayed.


Scroll up and down the list. If the desired department group name is in the list, click on
that name. If the desired department group name does not exist, click in the Dept Groups
field and type the name of the department group. For this example, click in the field and
type Manufacturing.


Click on the

button. If the department group name is not saved before clicking

any other button or exiting the more card data window, the data entered is lost and must
be re-entered.


Now update the access control network with the new information. Click on the

button on the tool bar (for details on the update process refer to the Update the Network
section found later in this users guide).


The preferences tab allows an operator to disable the card number and department group
functions if they are not to be used in the access control database (the default value for these
functions is to be enabled). The department group function is found under the more card data
tab. The card number function is found under the card data tab.

NOTE: If the card number function is disabled, the field is still used by the Doors software
during block card enrollment, but is not used by any other part of the program.


To change a preference for the card database, click on the Setup

Cards pull-down

menu or click on the

tool bar button. A card enrollment window appears and these

two icons appear on the tool bar



Click on the

tool bar button to ensure the card enrollment dialog box window is
