Glossary – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 211

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 211


access control – Access control is a general term describing the management of the ingress and egress of

people through secure areas.

access control network – An access control network is an interconnected set of controllers, managing the ingress

and egress of people through secure areas.

access group –

An access group combines time zones and doors into a superset of information that is applied
to cardholders. Basically an access group defines at what times and through which doors
cardholders are granted access. To be granted access to a secure door, a cardholder must meet
the criteria of the access group assigned to the cardholder: be at a door that is a member of the
access group during a time period within the time zone assigned to the access group.

address, controller – Each controller must be assigned a unique address, identifying that controller in the

network. A controller address is similar to a home address. By addressing an envelope, mail is
sent to a specific individual at a specific home. By assigning unique controller addresses,
operating information can be sent directly to specific controllers.

auto-configuration – Auto-configuration is a process within the Doors software where the software polls the

access control network to determine which controllers on the access control network are
responding and then receive configuration information from these controllers.

card –

A card is an access control identification device assigned to an individual to give that
individual access rights to an access control network. It is the size of a credit card. Each card
has a unique identification code. That identification code is then associated with an access
group to determine through which doors and at what times cardholders are granted access.

cardholder –

A cardholder is an individual who has been assigned an access control card or tag.

COM port –

A COM port is a serial data communications device on a computer. Communication between
the host computer and the access control network is done through this device.

controller –

A controller is a microprocessor based circuit board that manages access to a secure area. The
controller receives information that it uses to determine through which doors and at what
times cardholders are granted access to that secure area. Based on that information, the
controller can lock/unlock doors, sound alarms, and communicate status to a host computer.

database –

A database is an organized set of information.

department group – A department group is an operator assigned field in the cardholder database. It is not

actively used by the Doors software, but is provided to allow an operator to sort the
cardholders within the database based on the department for which they work.

dialog box –

A dialog box is a text window that the Doors software displays on screen when the software
needs information from an operator. The operator enters the information by reading the
instructions in the window and then filling-in-the-blanks in designated fields in the window.

download –

Downloading is the process by which the host computer receives information from the access
control network; information is downloaded to the host computer. (See upload.)

egress –

Egress is a term for exiting a secured area. (See ingress.)