Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual
Page 105

Keri Systems, Inc.
Doors™ Users Guide
October 1998
Revision 2.1
Page 105
Last Name
The cardholder’s last name is entered in this cell.
Click on the Last Name cell for this row.
Type Polk.
First Name
The cardholder’s first name is entered in this cell.
Click on the First name cell for this row.
Type James.
Middle Name
The cardholder’s middle name or initial is entered in this cell.
Click on the Middle name cell.
Type K.
Internal Number
The internal number value was entered when the card was enrolled. It is the card’s internal
identification number, read from the card when the card was presented to the enrollment
reader. This field cannot be edited.
Card Number
The card number refers to the number printed onto the body of the card (see Figure 11-3). The
card number is the second set of digits printed on the body of the card (the nnnnnnnn digits,
see Figure 84). The card number can be anywhere from 5 digits long to 8 digits long. For this
example, the entire number of this card is K1757 211774; the card number is 211774.
Click on the Card Num cell for this row.
Reading from the card, type 211774.
Figure 84 – Proximity Card Number
NOTE: The Card Number is an optional field. A card number does not have to be entered; it
is not required for program operation.
Access Group
An access group must be assigned to the cardholder. The access group defines through which
doors and at what time-of-the-day and day-of-the-week a cardholder will be granted access.
Locate the Access Group cell. Click on the
and a list of the available access groups
appears. Scroll up and down this list and find the access group to be assigned to this
For this example, click on Building Access - Day.