Collecting events, Stopping monitoring – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 148

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 148

Revision 2.1

NOTE: Before opening a monitor, it must have been set up in the Setup

Monitors and

Events section, defining what it monitors. Otherwise, the default is for monitor one to view all
events, and for monitors two and three to view no events.


Once a monitor window is open, an operator can size it according to how the operator
wants the monitor window positioned on the Doors window.


Any combination of the three monitor windows can be open at the same time. Each can
be sized individually, but the default is for all three windows to be tiled horizontally
across the Doors window (see Figure 131).

Figure 131 – Tiled Monitoring Windows


Once monitoring windows have been opened, monitoring can begin. Click on the

button. If communication has not been established between the host computer and the
access control network, Doors will make the connection.


As events occur on the access control network that meet the criteria of the monitoring
window, they will be displayed in the monitoring window.

Collecting Events

Collecting events from all controllers clears the controller buffers and stores the events in an
event file on the hard disk. Event data can then be processed into report formats.


To collect events, click on the

button. If communication has not been established

between the host computer and the access control network, Doors will make the


Pane 1 in the communication status field will display event collection status as each
controller is contacted (see Figure 130). When complete, Pane 1 will go blank.

Stopping Monitoring

There are two ways to stop the monitoring process.


Click on the

button in the operate monitors window (see Figure 130). This ends

the monitoring process but does not close the monitoring windows or the communication
link between host computer and access control network.