Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual
Page 213

Keri Systems, Inc.
Doors™ Users Guide
October 1998
Revision 2.1
Page 213
personal identification number –A personal identification number is an optional site identification number that
may be assigned to a site by an operator. When using PINs, an operator must know a site’s
PIN to be allowed access to that site. This can provide an extra level of site security, allowing
some operators to access a remote site, but not all.
An acronym for personal identification number (see personal identification number).
pull-down menu –When an operator clicks on an option on the menu bar, a pull-down menu appears listing all
the available options for that menu selection. An operator then selects the desired operation.
radio button –
Radio buttons are used whenever a program command has a set of options that require the
selection of one and only one option. As an operator clicks on the radio buttons within an
option set, the old selection is disabled and the new selection is enabled.
reader –
A reader is a device that "reads" an identification number from a card or tag presented to the
reader by a cardholder. It then sends that identification number to the controller for
report –
A report is a summary of event information generated from the event log collected from all
controllers on the access control network. A report may be displayed on the computer system
screen, printed at a local printer, or saved to an ASCII text file for processing by another
A ROM is a memory device on the controller that permanently stores instructions and
information. ROM stands for Read Only Memory, referring to the fact that information can
only be read from the device. Information cannot be changed unless the device itself is
site –
A site is another term for an access control network. Site is generally used when there are
more than one access control networks all being managed from one host computer. The Doors
software within the host computer keeps track of the different access control networks by
assigning each one a site number.
spreadsheet –
A spreadsheet is an organized collection of information managed in a matrix format.
tag –
A tag is an access control identification device assigned to an individual to give that
individual access rights to an access control network. It is designed to be attached to a key-
ring. Each tag has a unique identification code. That identification code is then associated
with an access group to determine through which doors and at what times cardholders are
granted access.
time zone –
A time zone is a definition of the time-of-day and the days-of-the-week when a cardholder
may be granted access to a secure area.
tool bar –
The tool bar is a set of buttons in a horizontal field beneath the menu bar, made up of
shortcuts to the commonly used Doors program features.
upload –
Uploading is the process by which the access control network receives information from the
host computer; information is uploaded to the access control network. (See download).