Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 217

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 217



Archiving Event Logs, 176
Assigning Events to be Reported by the Controllers, 130
Assigning Events to Monitors, 126
Auto-Collection - Enable/Disable, 117
Collecting From Controllers, 148
Configure Monitor Windows, 118
Create Reports - See Reports
Message Text String Definitions, 121
Message Text Strings, 119
Naming Monitor Windows, 118
Selecting Events to Save to File, 128
Setup Monitor Windows, 117

Exiting a Doors Window, 35


First Person In, 71


Holiday Schedules - See Time Zones
Host Computer

Set Date, 15
Set Time, 15
System Requirements, 11


I/O Control, 193

Configuring Links, 194
Link Example, 197
Manual Output Control, 202

Input Control - See I/O Control
Installing - See Installing Software
Installing Software, 17

Backing Up an Existing Installation, 17
Deleting an Original Installation, 21
New, 17
Recovering an Original Installation, 20
Troubleshooting, 19
Upgrade, 17


Key Tag, 88


Links - See I/O Control
Locking Doors, 136

All Doors in a Door Class, 136
All Doors, 136
Single Door, 137

Logging On, 30
Loop-Back Plug, 12