Windows conventions, On-line help, The order of operation – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 25: Logging on the doors program, Setup and verify network communication, Set communication parameters, Auto-config

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 25

Operation notes are shown in italics. These are things of which to be aware while using the
Doors software.

Items that require special attention or that can dramatically affect the access control network
are prefaced with a caution sign.

Windows Conventions

Doors is a fully compliant Windows program; providing complete operability in Windows and
allowing its program window to be opened, closed, resized, and multi-tasked as any other
Windows compliant program. Please refer to the help file within the Windows operating
system for information on working in Windows.

On-Line Help

To assist the end user there is a "point-and-tell" on-line help file in the Doors software. Once
in the help file, simply point and click on a menu option, command, or selection and a
description of that item is displayed. To call-up the help file when in the Doors program,

Click on the Help/Contents pull-down menu or click on the

button on the Doors tool bar

(see the Tool Bar section under Introducing the Desk Top) to open the help file.

The Order of Operation

This section provides a summary of the major sections in the order that they are presented in
the Users Guide.

Logging On the Doors Program

Each operator has a unique log on password that allows the Doors program to identify the
operator logging on to the program and to track the actions the operator takes while logged

Setup and Verify Network Communication

The setup and verify network communication section describes the process for configuring
the Doors operating parameters to meet those of the host computer and then verifying that
basic communication is indeed happening between host computer and all the controllers on
the access control network.

Set Communication Parameters

Four tasks are performed to set the Doors communication parameters.


Set the program’s COM port to match the host computer.


Set the program’s communication speed.


Set the remote phone number (for remote access via modem).


Restart the program to configure Doors with the communication parameters.


The Doors program polls the access control network and receives information identifying
which controllers are communicating on the network. It then inserts this information into the
appropriate databases within the Doors program.