Creating a new operator – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 50

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 50

Revision 2.1


As recommended above, the default operator will be edited and assigned to the system
supervisor. The supervisor will need the ability to perform any and every action within
the Doors program. Leave every radio button option on Yes so that the supervisor will
have full access to all program options.


Double-click in the "Name" field. The "Keri" name is highlighted. Type a descriptive
name for the operator being assigned Operator Number 1 (the default operator). For this
example, type Sys Supervisor.

NOTE: There is a 15 character maximum for the operator name.


Double-click in the "Password" field. For the Password, enter a string of characters or
numbers, 4 characters minimum to 8 characters maximum, case sensitive (that is, the
program does keep track of upper-case versus lower-case characters). The password
should be something easily remembered by the operator, but not easily guessed by
unauthorized personnel. For this example, type AbCd1234.


To ensure that the password entered is correct, it must be entered again in the "Retype
Password" field. The characters entered into the "Retype Password" field must exactly
match the Password field. If not, the password is rejected (see Figure 20) and the program
will prompt you to re-enter them. Double-click in the "Retype Password" field. For this
example, again type AbCd1234.

Figure 23 – Password Error


Click on the

button to save these changes. If the operator changes are not saved

before clicking any other button or exiting the setup operators window, the data entered is
lost and must be re-entered.

Creating a New Operator

The following list are the feature operation rights available for assignment to an operator
(refer to Figure 22). Each operator must be created and saved, one-at-a-time.

Setup Cards
Identifies if an operator is allowed to perform the Setup Cards commands: enrolling, entering
data, voiding, deleting, assigning access groups, or to have Read Only access to review this

Setup Doors
Identifies if an operator is allowed to perform the Setup Doors commands: entering or editing
the parameters by which a door/controller operates, or to have Read Only access to review
this information..