Setup cards, Card enrollment – dialog box method, Enroll tab – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 87: Block enrollment by card number range

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 87

Setup Cards

The setup cards section provides the instructions for enrolling access control cards and
managing the database for these cards. Each person to be granted access to secured areas will
have a card that identifies that person to the access control system.

Through the cards setup menu, an operator can enroll, void, and delete cards; assign cards to
cardholders; enter and edit cardholder information; and apply access groups to card holders.
There are two methods for working with the card database: through dialog boxes or through a
spreadsheet. Each method accomplishs the same tasks.

The dialog box method allows an operator to enter all cardholder data through a series of "fill-
in-the-blank" type windows. The spreadsheet method allows an operator to enter all
cardholder data into a spreadsheet. Work with the method that feels the most comfortable to

Card Enrollment – Dialog Box Method

The dialog box method allows an operator to enter all cardholder data through a series of "fill-
in-the-blank" type windows. There are six possible windows (accessed through tabs in the

Cards window) used to enter enroll a card and enter cardholder information, starting

with card enrollment and continuing through cardholder data entry.

Enroll Tab

Commands within the enroll tab create a database entry for each card enrolled into the access
control system. There are two ways to enroll cards: block enrollment by card number range
and by card presentation to a reader.

Block Enrollment by Card Number Range

Block enrollment by card number range is best used when there is a large quantity of
sequentially numbered cards (referring to the external number etched on the body of the card).
Cards do not have to be on hand when enrolled through the number range process. Five cards
will be enrolled in this example.

NOTE: Block enrollment by number range is valid for "K" series Keri proximity cards – Keri
part numbers KC-10 and KC-10X and "K" series Keri proximity key tags – Keri part numbers
PKT-10 and PKT-10X (identified by a leading "K" on the card’s external number printed on
the body of the card). Block enrollment by number range is not yet available for "W" series
Wiegand cards or key tags (identified by a leading "W" on the card’s external number printed
on the body of the card), or "C" series cards or key tags (used by older Keri Systems
NOTE: When block enrolling a large number of cards, Keri recommends enrollment in
several medium sized-blocks (up to 1,000 cards) instead of one large block. The database
download times for several medium sized-blocks is shorter than that of one large block and
the risk of losing download information to a power outage or computer glitch is reduced.


To enroll cards, click on the Setup ‰ Cards pull-down menu or click on the


bar button. A card enrollment window appears and these two icons appear on the tool bar
