Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 123

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 123

Daylight Savings On
Reported when the controller’s clock enables the one-hour time change for daylight savings

Door Closed
Reported whenever a door closes following a valid access request.

Door Forced Open
Reported if a door has been forced open without a valid access request having been made.

Door Locked
Reported whenever a controller locks a door.

Door Locked by Op
Reported whenever a controller is locked by an immediate lock command issued by an

Door Not Opened
Reported if a door is not opened within the Unlock Time following a valid access request.

Door Opened
Reported whenever a door is opened following a valid access request.

Door Opened Too Long
Reported if a door is held open beyond the Open Time following a valid access request.

Door Report Created
Reported whenever an operator requests a door report to be generated for review or printing.

Door Unlocked
Reported whenever a controller unlocks a door.

Door Unlocked by Op
Reported whenever a controller is unlocked by an immediate unlock command issued by an

Doors Disconnected
Reported if a door/controller is disconnected from the access control network.

Dual Access Denied
Reported whenever an invalid card is presented to a door/controller in dual-door configuration
in an attempt to gain access to a controlled area.

Dual Access Granted
Reported whenever a valid card is presented to a door/controller in dual-door configuration,
which then grants the cardholder access to a controlled area.

Event Report Created
Reported whenever an operator requests a event report to be generated for review or printing.

Events Collected
Reported whenever events are collected from a controller’s buffer.