Power search example – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 160

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 160

Revision 2.1

A NOT link allows operator to link a search expression so that as event data is being reviewed
for a report the data that meets the criteria is excluded from the report.

For example, a NOT link consisting of NOT Event=Access Granted would filter event data
and exclude all Access Granted events from the report.

Grouping Operator
Grouping operators allow an operator to combine search expressions to create complex search
expressions. Parens are placed around expressions that need to be nested within larger
expressions. The expressions with the parens will be evaluated as a group and the results will
be applied to the larger expression outside the parens.

For example, a complex expression consisting of (Event=Request To Exit AND DATE=07/
04/1998) AND (Event=Door Opened AND DATE=07/04/1998) would filter event data and
create a report that only consisted of Request to Exit and Door Opened events that occurred
on July 4, 1998.

Search Expression Field
Once a search expression has been defined in the New Criterion field, it must be added to the
Search Expression field. Searches are performed from the expressions in the Search
Expression field.


To add a search expression to the Search Expression field, simply click on the

button (see Figure 143). The expression in the New Criterion field is entered into the
Search Expression field in the format used by the search/sort algorithm.


To delete a search expression from the Search Expression field, click on the

button (see Figure 143). The last expression added to the search expression field will be

Clear all Fields
Before creating a search expression, all data fields should be cleared to ensure no "left-over"
search parameters affect the new entry. The clear button clears all data fields and returns all
search selection parameters to default values (which shows all events).


To clear all fields, click on the

button. To verify the clear operation should be

performed, a confirmation window appears (see Figure 133).


Click on the


Power Search Example

An operator needs to create a search expression that generates a report that meets the
following criteria.

any Access Denied or Door Forced Open events

occurring at either the Front Door or Back Door

on July 5, 1997

during 00:00 hours to 08:00 hours (Midnight to 8 A.M.)