Create event reports, Quick search event report, Clear all fields – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 149

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 149


To close all system monitor windows and disconnect the host computer from the access
control network, click on the Operate ‰ Stop Monitor pull-down menu or click on the

icon on the tool bar.

Create Event Reports

There are two types of event reports: quick search reports and power search reports. In a quick
search, the operator selects search parameters from a short list of commonly used search
criteria. In a power search, the operator creates a search expression from lists of events,
boolean operators, event values, and linking operators. Once created, power search
expressions can be saved in a library for future use.

Quick Search Event Report

To create a quick search event report, click on the Reports

Events pull-down menu option.

The Event Reports window appears (see Figure 132).

Figure 132 – Quick Search Event Reports

Clear all Fields

The clear button clears all data fields and returns all search selection parameters to default
values (which shows all events). This is a destructive operation, removing all entered search


To clear all fields, click on the

button. To verify the clear operation should be

performed, a confirmation window appears (see Figure 133).

Figure 133 – Clear Search Fields Confirmation Window