Keri Systems Doors NetXtreme User Manual

Doors netxtreme, 0 software installation, Software installation guide

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Doors NetXtreme


Software Installation Guide

Page 1 of 4

P/N: 01944-001 Rev. B


Software Installation

Insert the Doors NetXtreme (DoorsNXT) CD into the CD-ROM drive. The AutoRun menu appears (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: DoorsNXT AutoRun Menu

1. Click on the picture of the NXT hardware. The NXT installation window appears (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: NXT Installation

2. Click on the picture of the DoorsNXT software toolbar. Follow the rest of the installation process.
3. Be sure to save the information given in the Notepad program at the end of the installation (see Figure 3). This

information will give you the password and other necessary information to get DoorsNXT working properly.

Figure 3: DoorsNXT Password