Timed unlock a single door, Update doors, Update all doors – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 142

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 142

Revision 2.1

Timed Unlock a Single Door

To timed unlock a single door; for example, the Stockroom Door:


Locate the door to be timed unlocked. Either click on the All Doors icon or click on the
door group icon the door is listed under. For this example, click on the Interior Doors
door group icon.


Locate and click on the icon for the door to be timed unlocked. For this example, click on
the Stockroom Door icon.


Click on the

button. The resulting window will look similar to Figure 125.

Figure 125 – Timed Unlocking a Single Door

Update Doors

Updating doors completely rewrites all database information stored on the selected controllers
(as opposed to the update net command which only updates changes in databases). This
command can update all doors in the access control system, all doors within a door class, or a
single door. To update doors, first select the doors to be updated and then perform the update

NOTE: As an update doors command is a complete rewrite of databases, it takes longer to
perform than an update net command. When an update doors command is performed, please
be patient as data is transferred. Depending upon the number of controllers and the size of
the databases, this operation can take several minutes to perform.

Update All Doors

To update all doors:


Click on the ALL DOORS icon under Door Classes.


Click on the

button, and then click on the

button. A series

of status windows appear (see Figure 126), tracking the data being transferred to all the