Enrolling by presenting to a reader – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 90

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 90

Revision 2.1


Examine the value displayed in the Cards Enrolled field. The cards enrolled field displays
the number of cards successfully enrolled during this card enrollment session. This
number should match the number of cards you have enrolled.

10. Now update the access control network with the new information. Click on the

button on the tool bar (for details on the update process refer to the Update the Network
section found later in this users guide).

Enrolling by Presenting to a Reader

Enrolling by card presentation to a reader is best used when there is only a few cards to enroll
or the cards are not in sequential order. The cards must be on hand to be presented to a reader
for enrollment. Two cards will be enrolled in this example.


To enroll cards, click on the Setup

Cards pull-down menu or click on the


bar button. A card enrollment window appears and these two icons appear on the tool bar



Click on the

tool bar button to ensure the card enrollment dialog box window is



Click on the Enroll tab. In the enroll window, locate the Enroll Type field (see Figure

Figure 67 – Enrolling by Presenting to a Reader, Dialog Box Method


The enroll type field has two radio buttons: Enter Range and Read Cards. Click on the
Read Cards radio button. The resulting window should look similar to Figure 67.


Click on the

button. If the Doors program is not connected to the access control

network, the program will automatically connect.


The "A" reader on the master controller is used for reading cards being enrolled. The
reader’s LED toggles between amber and red to indicate it is ready for enrolling cards.

NOTE: The reader/controller is not available for any other use during the card enrollment
process – any attempts to use a door associated with the master controller will be denied until
card enrollment is complete and can disrupt the card enrollment process.