Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 122

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 122

Revision 2.1

Connect Refused - PIN
Reported whenever an operator’s attempt to log into a remote site was refused by the site’s
master controller because the operator did not enter the correct personal identification number
(PIN) for the site.

Connect Refused - Site
Reported whenever an operator’s attempt to log into a remote site was refused by the site’s
master controller because the operator does not have the authorization to access the site.

Ctlr Cold Reset
Reported if a cold reset (power cycling off and then on) occurs at a controller.

Ctlr Com Failure
Reported if communication with a remote site’s master controller was lost unexpectedly.

Ctlr Com Restored
Reported whenever communication with a remote site’s master controller is made.

Ctlr Did Not Respond
Reported if a command is sent to a remote site’s master controller, but the controller does not
respond, acknowledging it received the command.

Ctlr Event Threshold
Reported by a controller whenever that controller reaches its event buffer threshold and it
needs to transfer/clear data from its buffer.

Ctlr Hard Reset
Reported if a hard reset (someone physically resetting the controller) occurs at a controller.

Ctlr Internal Error
Reported if a controller has an unidentifiable internal error.

Ctlr IO File Changed
Reported whenever an operator changes controller IO data definitions.

Ctlr Key DB Corrupt
Reported if a controller’s keypad database (used for secondary verification of a cardholder) is
corrupt, invalidating its data.

Ctlr Memory Corrupted
Reported if a controller’s RAM memory is corrupted, disrupting controller operation.

Ctlr Self Test Failed
Reported if a controller’s self-test fails.

Ctlr Warm Reset
Reported if a controller’s "watch-dog" timer expires (indicating the controller might be hung).

Ctlr/Door File Changed
Reported whenever an operator changes controller/door configuration information.

Daylight Savings Off
Reported when the controller’s clock disables the one-hour time change for daylight savings