Introducing the doors desktop, The desktop – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 33

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 33

Introducing the Doors Desktop

Every task in Doors is begun from the desktop. Navigating the desktop is simply a matter of
using the mouse to point and click on items, and entering appropriate information when

The Desktop

There are eight fields on the Doors desktop (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 – The Doors Desktop


Window Title Bar – On the left side of the title bar is the name of the program operating
the window; on the right side are the Windows control boxes for minimizing or
maximizing the window and for immediately closing the program (refer to Windows’ on-
line help for detailed information on using these boxes).


Menu Bar – A list of the pull-down menus in the Doors program is displayed on the
menu bar. The menu bar is used for accessing all programming and configuration tasks.
Future chapters in this manual provide all the details for using all the commands in the
menu bar. Each pull-down menu option has an underlined letter. To quickly access a
menu option, press the ALT key followed by the underlined letter. Sub-menus also have
underlined letters and can be accessed in a similar manner. For example, to access the

System pull-down menu option press ALT S S).


Tool Bar – The tool bar is a collection of tool buttons for the most used functions in the
Doors program. Clicking on a tool button immediately opens a function’s window. A
summary of what functions are available on the tool bar appears in the Tool Bar section


Task Field – When a task is begun by a selection from the menu bar or the tool bar, a
window will appear within this field to manage whatever is necessary to perform this
task. Multiple task windows can be open simultaneously within the task field. Each
window in the task field will have its own title bar identifying the window. The title bar
of the active task in the task field is highlighted.