More card data – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 97

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 97

Figure 75 – Deleting Card Confirmation Window


Click on the

button. The card/cardholder entry in the database is now removed.


Click on the

button. If the deleted card/cardholder data is not saved before

clicking any other button or exiting the card data window, the delete command is not
applied to the database and must be redone.


Now update the access control network with the new information. Click on the

button on the tool bar (for details on the update process refer to the Update the Network
section found later in this users guide).

More Card Data

The more card data tab allows an operator to assign a department group to a cardholder. A
department group is a method of cardholder identification based on the department for which
a cardholder works, i.e. Engineering, Janitorial, Management, Manufacturing, Sales,
Stockroom. By using this field, cardholder data can be sorted by department groups,
displaying all members of a given group when in the cards spreadsheet view.

In this example, the Management department group will be assigned to cardholder John
Quincy Adams.


To assign a department group for a card/cardholder, click on the Setup

Cards pull-

down menu or click on the

tool bar button. A card enrollment window appears and

these two icons appear on the tool bar



Click on the

tool bar button to ensure the card enrollment dialog box window is



Click on the Card Data tab (information for a cardholder should be in the window).


Click on the

buttons to scroll up and down the list of cards and locate the

card to which data should be entered. For this example, scroll up and down the list until
cardholder John Quincy Adams is displayed in the name fields.


Click on the More Card Data tab. The window should look similar to Figure 76.