Logging on, Starting the doors program, Starting the program in windows 95 – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 29

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 29

Logging On

The first step is to start the Doors program and log onto the system. In normal operation, the
log on process identifies to the software which operator is entering the program. With this
identification, the program is able to limit the operator’s actions to those that operator has
been approved to perform.

Starting the Doors Program

For both Windows 95 and Windows 3.11, there are several ways to start the Doors program.
The easiest, most common methods are described below.

Starting the Program in Windows 95


From the Windows 95 Task Bar.

Click on the Start button. A pop-up menu of commands appears.

Click on the Programs menu option. A pop-up menu of program folders appears.

Click on the Kerisys program folder. A pop-up menu of programs appears.

Click on the Doors program icon.

The program now begins.



Run the WINDOWS EXPLORER program.

Locate the DOORS.EXE program (it is typically found under the "\kerisys\doors"

Either double-click on the DOORS.EXE program icon or click on the File


pull-down menu.

The program now begins.


Using WINDOWS EXPLORER to create a Windows desk top shortcut.

Run the WINDOWS EXPLORER program.

Locate the DOORS.EXE program (it is typically found under the "\kerisys\doors"

Click on the DOORS.EXE program icon. It should now be highlighted.

Either click on the File

Create Shortcut menu option or right-click on the

DOORS.EXE program icon, scroll down the list of menu options, and select the
Create Shortcut option.

A new file is created titled "Shortcut to Doors.exe".

Click on the "Shortcut to Doors.exe" icon and then click on either File

Copy or

right-click on the "Shortcut to Doors.exe" icon, scroll down the list of menu options,
and select the Copy option.

Close the WINDOWS EXPLORER program and click on the main Windows desk

Right-click the mouse, scroll down the list of menu options, and select the Paste
option. The new icon for the Doors program will be placed on the desk top.

This icon will now appear on the desk top every time the Windows program is
entered. Simply double-click on the icon to start the Doors program.