Update site, Select a site – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 189

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 189

Update Site

On the tool bar, the

button changes to a

button. The function is the same,

uploading an access control system with all recent changes made to the database, but the
upload only occurs on the currently logged site. To upload information to multiple sites, each
site must be logged on and uploaded one-at-a-time.


Click on the

button to upload information to the currently logged site.


Click on the Operate

Net Disconnect pull-down menu option to disconnect from the

logged site.


Click on the

button and select the next site to which information will be

uploaded per the instructions in the Select a Site section below.


Click on the

button. The Doors program will automatically connect with the

new site and upload information.


Repeat this process for each site on the access control network.

Select a Site

A new button is added to the tool bar:

. Clicking on this button displays a list of all

available sites on the access control network, allowing an operator to select a specific site
with which to work.


Click on the

button. A window appears with a list of all available sites (see

Figure 179).

Figure 179 – Select Site List


Scroll up and down the list and select the next site with which to work. Then click on the



The Doors software connects with the selected site and loads the program spreadsheets
with the data from this site.